About Company

Introducing Sinad Company in Zanjan

Sinad  Company started its production activity in 2006 and has continuously taken valuable steps in the direction of quantitative and especially qualitative development of the final product with the training of specialized and efficient human resources. to produce and supply global products.

Zinc ingots of this company with high quality range (99.985 to 99.992%) and low impurities (ppm 10≥fe≥4, 80≥pb≥20, 12≥cu≥5, 10≥cd≥5) part. It supplies high-quality zinc ingots from the needs of domestic industries and foreign markets.

Currently, 60% of the company’s products are exported to domestic industries and 40% to Turkey, UAE, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Greece, etc. directly and indirectly.

As a duty to our customers, we are proud to produce and supply quality products in the category of global standards.

Environmental responsibility

With a significant investment, Sinad Ingots Company has been renovating and isolating all the effluents, streams and reservoirs of the factory with a significant investment in order to prevent the infiltration of the effluents into the ground during the production cycle, and at the same time, by creating two cake washing and BZS units, it was able to remove impurities, Minimize zinc and moisture content in factory tailings cake.


This company believes that efficient manpower, along with a healthy environment, is the center of sustainable development. Therefore, continuous training of all colleagues and acquaintance with past experiences and current knowledge in the field of activity of this company is at the forefront of the programs of this company, and we believe that this is important, it is necessary to improve the quality and quantity of the production process and the final product, and value the efforts of colleagues and create a healthy work environment. We consider appropriate and safe as our duty.

نیروی انسانی شرکت سیناد زنجان ایران
Efficient manpower
Expert and committed manpower = increasing efficiency and quality in the production process and the final product
وکتور شمش روی کاوشگران روی زنجان

Production of quality product

More than 15 years of experience in producing zinc ingots
Healthy environment

Our Team

محمد حسن قربانی مدیریت کارخانه کاوشگران روی

Mohammad hassan Gorbani

Factory & Project Managment
ahmad fagfuri

Ahmad Faghfuri

Chairman of the Board of Directors
حمید فغفوری

Hamid Faghfuri

Chairman of the board of directors