Production of zinc ingots in Zanjan Zinc Exploration Company

Zinc ingot production process in Sinaad ingot company

As it was said the main mission of Sinad Bullion Company is the production of zinc bullion.

Different types of lead and zinc ore are prepared from various domestic and foreign mines and sent to the factory. It is shipped separately. First, it is crushed by stone crushers and mills and becomes a micronized powder.

Zinc-containing soils are dissolved by sulfuric acid in the next operation, which is the “Xleaching” process. and disturbing impurities are separated with the filtration operation. Also, some impurities such as cobalt, iron, nickel and cadmium are precipitated during chemical purification and filtration. Conducted electrolysis and comes in the form of zinc sheets. These zinc sheets are separated from the cathodes and after melting in the furnace, they are cast in the form of ingots.

Some features of the portfolio:

  • Zinc ingots in different sizes
  • Zinc ingots in different purity